Product Description
Philips Charger for BG3005 Body Groomer.
Product Details
100% Original Charger with 2-pin Indian electric plug.
Swivel Rubber Code with PVC body.
Please Note : Size of the adapter may vary according to company modifications to the product from time to time but voltage will be the same as required for your multi grooming trimmer.
Kindly check the old charger or user manual of your product before ordering.
This is a Non Returnable product hence kindly check model before ordering.
In doubt? Feel free to drop a note and we will be happy to serve you for any issues relating to the product or find a right product for you.
Estimated Order Processing Time: 12 to 24 hours (except for public holidays)
Estimated Delivery Time:
Metros: 2 - 5 days
Rest of India: 3 - 7 days
(Due to region specific lockdown and curfew regulations, delivery timelines maybe impacted)
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